I am Pankhuri Sharma, and I am a writer who finds her greatest inspiration in the arms of nature. To me, the world is a canvas painted with love, and I am but a humble messenger, spreading that love through the words I write.
When I put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, I choose the first person as my voice. It's as if I invite my readers into my soul, sharing my experiences, emotions, and observations as if they were their own. Through this intimate perspective, I hope to transport others into the heart of my stories, to let them see and feel the world as I do.
In a world often overshadowed by negativity and division, I strive to be a beacon of hope. My writing and my actions are my way of reminding others of the breathtaking beauty that surrounds us, the boundless power of love, and the urgent need to protect the planet we call home. In my world, love and nature are inseparable, creating a symphony of hope and inspiration that I am honored to share with all who read my work.